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Mental Health Support

With Cambridgeshire, Peterborough and South Lincolnshire Mind

To Read

Find out more about how CPSL Mind support the community across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.

To Try

Complete your own CPSL Mind Wellbeing Plan to enhance and maintain your mental health.

To Watch

Take a look at the STOP Suicide I’d Ask film on the campaign’s website. This film highlights the importance of being aware of the warning signs and asking directly about suicide if you’re concerned about someone.


To Meet

Join an online Good Mood Cafe and Open Door calm space sessions to connect with like-minded local people, share interests and offer wellbeing support.

To Listen

CPSL Mind’s STOP Suicide campaign podcast shares a real conversation between two men who have experienced suicidal thoughts. Suicide is the biggest singer killer of men aged under 45 in the UK and STOP Suicide aims to encourage direct conversations to prevent suicide.

To Explore

CPSL Mind’s website features a variety of available mental health services, from counselling to peer support, as well as how you can get involved to support others.


Managing Money with the New Horizons Project